el almuerzo lunch
la bebida drink
la cena evening meal
la comida meal/lunch
el desayuno breakfast
la merienda afternoon snack
Verbs linked to food and meals
comer to eat
beber to drink
tomar to take/have
probar to taste/try
desayunar to have breakfast
almorzar to have lunch
merendar to have a snack
cenar to have dinner
tener hambre to be hungry
tener sed to be thirsty
ir de picnic to go on a picnic
pedir comida para llevar to get a takeaway
Adjectives to describe food (part 1)
bueno/a good
cremoso/a creamy
delicioso/a delicious
sabroso/a rich/tasty
asqueroso/a disgusting
fresco/a fresh
ligero/a light
pesado/a heavy
grasiento/a greasy/fatty
Adjectives to describe food (part 2)
malo/a bad
sano/a healthy
malsano/a unhealthy
salado/a salty
azucarado sugary
dulce sweet
agrio/a sour
agridulce sweet and sour
picante spicy
refrescante refreshing
Try these interactive vocabulary activities and games!
For further practice:
Once you’ve had a go at the interactive activities, try writing 10 sentences including two or three new words in a each sentences.
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