Verbs used for technology and social media (part 1)

borrar                         to erase

suprimir                     to delete

archivar                     to file

funcionar                   to work

navegar                     to surf

sacar fotos                to take photos

tuitear                         to tweet

usar/utilizar              to use

seguir                         to follow

poner ‘me gusta’      to ‘like’

pinchar      to click

aceptar cookies      to accept cookies

limpar cookies      to clear cookies

Verbs used for technology and social media (part 2)

adjuntar                     to attach

iniciar sesión to log in

buscar                        to search/look for

colgar                         to put up (photos)

publicar                      to post/publish

compartir                  to share

recibir                         to receive

crear                           to create

comprobar                to check

chatear /charlar       to chat

descargar                  to download

editar                         to edit

enviar/mandar         to send

Key nouns used for technology and social media (part 1)

la cámara                              camera

el teléfono                             phone

el móvil                                  mobile

el ordenador                         computer

el portátil                               laptop

la pantalla                             screen

la tableta                               tablet

el ipad                                    ipad

el teclado                              keyboard

el buzón                                mail box

el código                               code

el acceso                               log-in

la contraseña                       password

la herramienta                     tool

el marcador                          bookmark

el navegador                         browser

la portada                              homepage

la programación                   programming

el videojuego                        videogame

el buscador                           search engine

Key nouns used for technology and social media (part 2)

en línea                               online

la aplicación                        app

el correo basura                  spam

el correo electrónico           email

el email                                 email

el mensaje                            message

el texto                                 text

la publicación                      post

las redes (sociales)              (social) networks

la sala de chat                      chat room

el blog                                   blog

el/la bloguero/a                    blogger

el videoclip                            video

el usuario                              user

los seguidores                     followers

Adjectives used to describe technology and social media

adictivo/a                  addictive

caro/a                        expensive

complicado/a            complicated

conveniente              convenient

fácil de usar              easy to use

esencial                     essential

importante                important

inalámbrico/a           wireless

interactivo/a             interactive

inútil                           useless

necesario/a               necessary

práctico/a                  practical

útil                              useful

Try these interactive vocabulary activities and games!

For further practice:

Once you’ve had a go at the interactive activities, try writing 10 sentences including two or three new words in a each sentences.

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