la carnicería butcher’s
el centro comercial shopping centre
la farmacia chemist
el gran almacén department store
la juguetería toy shop
la librería bookshop
el mercado market
la panadería bakery
la pastelería cake shop
la zapatería shoe shop
la heladería ice cream parlour
la peluquería hairdresser’s
la pescadería fishmonger’s
el supermercado supermarket
la tienda de comestibles grocery shop
la tienda de ropa clothes shop
la tienda de complementos accessories shop
la tienda de dulces sweet shop
la confitería confectioner’s
The area where you live
la ciudad city
el pueblo town/village
el pueblecito small village
la región region
el campo countryside
el centro centre
la costa coast
las afueras outskirts
el área* area
la zona zone
el barrio district
el vecindario neighbourhood
el bosque wood/forest
la calle street
el callejón backstreet / alley
el río river
la sierra mountain range
las montañas mountains
*el área is actually feminine but Spanish doesn’t like ‘la‘ directly in front of stressed ‘a‘ or stressed ‘ha‘ so it changes to ‘el‘ but the word remains feminine and any gender agreement would be feminine. I.e el área bonita.
The same thing happens with ‘el agua’ (the water) and ‘el aula’ (the classroom)
This is also the case when using ‘una‘ in front… it would be ‘un área’.
Plural would be fine… ‘las áreas’ and ‘unas áreas’. This is because the ‘s‘ splits the sound.
Places around town
el aparcamiento parking
el ayuntamiento town hall
la bolera bowling alley
la sinagoga synagogue
el centro centre
el cine cinema
el club de jóvenes youth club
la iglesia church
la mezquita mosque
el museo museum
el parque infantil playground
la plaza de toros bull ring
la plaza square
el polideportivo sports centre
el puerto port/ harbour
el teatro theatre
la zona peatonal pedestrian area
Describing places
aburrido/a boring
antiguo/a old
bonito/a beautiful
lindo/a sweet/pretty
hermoso/a lovely
histórico/a historic
limpio/a clean
moderno/a modern
pequeño/a small
ruidoso/a noisy
sucio/a dirty
tranquilo/a quiet/peaceful
concurrido/a crowded/busy
animado/a lively
agradable pleasant
grande big
encantador/a charming
Try these interactive vocabulary activities and games!
For further practice:
Once you’ve had a go at the interactive activities, try writing 10 sentences including two or three new words in a each sentences.
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